We also want to set this to 1280 x 720 when starting out. If everything is running smooth in 720p you can adjust upwards to 1080p later down the line and see if your computer can handle it. Your stream may not look as crisp as a 1080p stream however it will use less resources on your computer. To get the best performance out of your stream you will want to set this to 1280 x 720. We want to first adjust the Base Canvas Resolution.

OBS Video Settings For Low End PC Best Video Setting For OBS Studio for Streaming Use output settings 2 if you have an Nvidia NVENC enabled card. Use output settings 1 if you have an AMD graphics card or an older Nvidia Card without NVENC. Best OBS Studio Settings For Low End PCs Video Settings If you want to understand how things work you can read on. Below I have added the recommended settings in a quick table if you just want to copy the settings.